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2023-2024 CCHA AWARDS
Wicked Glen - B League Regular Season Champs
& B League Bill Anderson Presidents Cup
BJ's - A League Dick Pachol Presidents Cup

64 on the Rocks - A League Regular Season Champs
Eric Gunderson- Pat Coughlin A League MVP
Glenn Giles - B League Scoring Leader
Justin Giles - A League Scoring Leader
Chris Nelligan - Pat Coughlin B League MVP

Steve Gromala - A League Ralph T. Webdale/
Phil Begier Sportsmanship Award

AJ Riforgiat - A League Novelli-Rozewicz
Goaltending Award

Cody Williams - B League Ralph T. Webdale/
Phil Begier Sportsmanship Award

Nate Williams - B League Novelli-Rozewicz
Goaltending Award

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